
Welcome members of the MCA!

Join over 600 Bay Area Homeowners who've liquidated their equity - interest free. List in under a week, get cash in just over a month.

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“This house is a part of our family. I didn’t want to give it up, but I needed the money. I don't want to deal with loans that charge interest. With SmartRE, I get the best of all worlds - I keep the home, get the money, and incur no debt."

Omar San Jose

"SmartRE allowed me to access my home's equity faster, easier, and MUCH less expensively than traditional alternatives. What a great way to put my equity to work. And NO interest charges!"

Samir San Mateo

"A reverse mortgage is just another interest vehicle; its not an option. With SmartRE, I have an interest free way to reduce my debt!"

Arfin San Francisco

"My house has grown so much in value, but I didn't know how to turn that into cash. Home equity loans are too time consuming and have high, ongoing interest. With SmartRE, I just list and start paying down my debt in four short weeks. Simple!"

Yousef Sausalito

Want to learn more?
Watch our short video.

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Why are we SmartRE

Because SmartRE lets you get cash from the equity in your home – for a one-time, low fee. Traditional alternatives can't say that....

SmartRE than Home Equity Loans

Home Equity loans cost 6 times more than SmartRE, can negatively impact your credit rating, and add debt at a time when you’re trying to reduce debt.

SmartRE than reverse mortgages

Reverse mortgages have notorious pitfalls, including ongoing and hidden fees (closing and mortgage insurance), heir planning problems, and potential medicare issues.

SmartRE than moving

Selling the home, or moving from one dwelling to another, is the most stressful thing in life according to 2/3 of people polled in a recent study - even more stressful than divorce!

SmartRE Buyers

Investors are eager to capitalize on appreciating home values in Silicon Valley. But they aren’t interested in owning an entire home just to do so.

SmartRE’s unique platform permits buyers to acquire shares of a SmartRE homeowner’s equity. For as little as $1, they are investing in the California Dream.

If the home appreciates, their share appreciates. Buyers either recoup their investment when the home is sold or by selling their shares to other investors in the SmartRE marketplace.

Either way, the homeowner continues life as usual – the buyers don’t know who they are or where they live.

SmartRE Sellers

SmartRE homeowners are in total control:

No fee is paid to SmartRE until all of the equity placed on the platform has been sold.

Until the home is sold, there is no repayment and there is no time limit.

No ownership will be transferred from the homeowner.

Investors never know the address of listed homes.

When a homeowner eventually decides to move out of their home via a sale, the value of the shares of equity sold on SmartRE is transferred to their particular investors.

Be SmartRE

Contact us today to learn more about how we work. We're the SmartRE Way to Pay Down Your Debt.

Send me the MCA offer today

How does it work?

Accessing the equity in your home through SmartRE is a simple four-step process.

  • List your home on the SmartRE website.
  • Buyers review the homes on our app.
  • They purchase minority portions of equity in the property (or properties) they love.
  • You get the money and stay in your home.

Contact us now for your MCA offer

See How Much Cash You Could Tap Into.

“Our house grew in value by 50%. We were sitting on an untapped cash reserve. With SmartRE, we accessed that cash and are living debt FREE.”

Rojak Cupertino

Join over 600 homeowners just like Frank across the Bay Area that have accessed over $60,000,000 in cash from the equity in their homes. List in under a week, get cash in under a month – and live DEBT FREE.

Contact us now to get your offer customized for MCA congregrants

    * Limit one MCA offer per home; must be in the SmartRE market area; must provide all required information